The Not About 2AM Blog

The Not about 2AM Blog

2 A.M. is a normal sight for me. I can’t recall the last time I’ve fallen asleep before then, and some nights I’m up until 3 or later. Writing is what keeps me awake as of late, but it’s always something. As a content creator, or as a creative in general, putting in the time is most of the battle.  Editing photos, cutting together a video, or rewording a paragraph for three hours just to decide you liked it better the way it was… it all takes time.

There’s a reason I stay up so late, creating and thinking about content. It’s because I’m scared. I’m scared that if I don’t, someone will outpace me. I’m scared that if I don’t, I’ll never achieve my goals. I’m not the best writer, the fastest video editor, and I don’t have the best portfolio. My tribe is small. My backlog of content is nonexistent. My schedule is both packed and empty, and my focus keeps changing from writing my novel, to making films, to pumping out vlogs, to screenwriting, and back to my novel, where it sits now. I’m stuck in this cycle of trying to pump out enough quality content to build a following while also trying to work on the major pillars of what I want to accomplish: Write Novels. Create Films. Build a Production Company.

It would be easier if I had only one dream, but I don’t. I have three, and each one feels like it pulls away from the others, and building content at the moment feels like it doesn’t move any of them forward. But I’m a creator. If I’m not putting something out, it eats at me.

I’m dying to put out another film with the lessons I learned from my last one. I’m dying to finish this novel I’ve put my heart and soul into for years. I’m dying to finish my screenplay and see where that takes me. I’m dying to build a production company so that I never have to work for someone else again.

The world is a dull place without content from creators, and I want to take my place among the best. I know what I need to do. I need to keep writing my novel. I need to produce content efficiently and schedule it consistently. I need to keep grinding towards my dreams and building my tribe of followers.

As always, this blog has taken on a different direction than I intended. I think I wanted to talk about how I stay up late and why it’s better for me than getting up early, but that’s definitely not what we talked about. I’m a little rusty at these, but like most things I do and then set aside for something else, I want to begin doing it again, only better. I’m not going to say that’s what will happen. I feel I say that a lot lately and fail to deliver on that promise. Hey, there’s a topic…

So, consider this a practice blog. Consider this an honest attempt to begin being consistent. Most of all, if you’ve already made it to the top, if you’ve already found that balance in life, consider dropping me a line and telling me how you do it. I’m not giving up. I wouldn’t even know how to, but I am struggling to prioritize my life right now. Thank you to the twelve people that read this. Your support is forever appreciated.

This is Gary, and this has been….. let’s call it Practice Blog One. I love you all. See you next time.